Experimenting with Your Soul Power

“Imagine what would happen if one of your physical organs stopped working.  The consequences could be life-threatening.  If, however,  one of your spiritual “organs” is impaired,  it can easily go unnoticed, even though its loss is just as serious.” (Pemell, p25)  Because the soul’s organs are not visible, they have remained  a mystery as to how they work and how they impact our lives.

Most of us, today, have some loss of one spiritual function or another and may not even know it.   When one receives the knowledge of the “spiritual anatomy” of the soul and how it functions, then “spiritual fitness and power” can become a focus or aim in life.  The spiritual anatomy of the soul can not be dissected by science nor found as a curriculum choice in academia.

This vital information, which is the key to understanding the truth of who I am, has been revealed by the Benevolent Father of all souls. This clear information can be studied through the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University and its hundreds of branches across the globe. This is a life-time study which awakens the soul to its own greatness and to the greatness of others.  It is a game-changer, for with the depth of this knowledge, the soul perceives itself and reality through a wider lens than was possible before. Knowledge truly is power and Divine Knowledge brings with it Divine Power.

The three aspects through which all souls function consist of: (1) mind, intellect/conscience, and (3) the impressions/habits that the soul has experienced time and time again on its journey which have become a collection of “sanskaras”, ie habits, characteristics and personality traits.

The soul exercises the mind, intellect, and sanskaras in daily life through its ability to think, feel, experience, realize, discern, remember, express, comprehend, learn, change, act, and grow!

When spiritual functioning is cut off in some way, the body/mind will eventually reflect it through physical, mental, and/or emotional imbalances. Therefore “healthy maintenance of the soul is just as important as healthy maintenance of the physical body.” (Pemell, p25)

How do you know when you are functioning fully as a soul?  What does it feel like on a practical level?

As a fully functioning soul aware of itself, you’ll feel full, content, emotionally and mentally balanced, free from obsessive thoughts and addictions, and in general~happy, loving, and detached, not some of the time, but constantly!

You may be thinking this doesn’t sound possible in a 3-D world of continual change and you are partially correct. For as your consciousness deepens, you will find that spiritually you become aware of more than this limited 3-D dimension.  As you become connected to another dimension, through meditation, you enter a purely spiritual  dimension of light, where the soul (YOU) recharge and absorb  spiritual sustenance that fills you with spiritual happiness and peace.

What is required to live from soul awareness is the development and exercise of your spiritual muscles and the development of “ruling power” over these 3 aspects of the soul.  These 3 aspects can be considered the soul’s property, its “kingdom”, or its advisors. The extent to which your advisors or the kingdom of your mind, intellect, and sanskaras are cooperating with you, the soul, is the extent to which you will feel that your ruling power is sufficient to run your kingdom optimally/happily!

Let’s take a look at what this involves and how we can develop and strengthen our abilities to be ‘self-sovereign’, peaceful, happy, balanced and content soul-conscious beings.

Have you realized that you, the soul, are the one who makes your body function?  Yes, you are the master almighty authority, the one in control.  However it is only when you remain aware that you are the master, that your advisors will follow your directions and guidance.  Only then can your kingdom be a happy one.  If you, the soul have gone on automatic pilot, your advisors have to work overtime and without your guidance… and life becomes chaotic.

AUTOMATIC PILOT : What does this look like and feel like?

Lets start with your first advisor- your mind.  If your first power is not working hand in hand with you the soul, than your other powers will also be off.  This could result in the mind becoming undisciplined, disorganized, and unable to focus.  If you have ever experienced a chaotic mind firing off thoughts left and right, you know that in these moments, your mind can be your worst enemy. On the other hand, developing a steady, deeply focused mind, through contemplation and meditation makes your mind your best friend. The task of the mind is purely to  create thoughts, as seeds for actions.  On its own, the mind does not have the ability to discern the quality of its creations. Nor does it have the ability to exercise control over the quantity of thoughts. Overthinking is often the result and is what makes your body and brain feel tired. The mind was not designed to be left on its own!!!   Within the capacity of the soul, is another facility called the intellect whose original function it is to understand, discern, and decide which thoughts to follow through on and which thoughts to let go off. You could think of the intellect as the mother of the mind…

“The most elevated desire of the mind is to be peaceful…”(Panjabi, p19) Thoughts that create a sense of inner calm and coolness are thoughts which are focused on only what you intend to do. These are considered powerful thoughts.  Powerful thoughts are benevolent and will enable you to accumulate spiritual muscle.

“When your thoughts are pure and benevolent, you are able to transform negativity into positivity at the level of thinking.” (Panjabi, p20)  

An important key to creating powerful (benevolent) thoughts is the following rule of thumb:

Have positive thoughts for the self and others. Having positive thoughts for the self is very deeply connected with having positive thoughts for others…If you don’t have positive thoughts for others, it indicates that you don’t have positive thoughts for your self.” (Panjabi, p20)  

By understanding your true nature, you can develop a great deal of self-respect, love, and appreciation for you – the eternal, unlimited soul.  A very good place to start your contemplation of yourself is with the question: “who am I”?

Starting your day with the powerful thought that: “I am an eternal being of light”, or” I am a bodiless soul,” or “I am a point of unlimited light sitting in the driver’s seat of this vehicle” will remind you of your true nature and how what you are thinking about determines your feelings, your productivity, your happiness or lack of it, your state of being and its impact upon others,  and in general,  the overall quality of your day.

Presently, many world issues, as well as many people, are in such a state, that you cannot deal with them through words, so it becomes essential to use positive thoughts and vibrations to  make a difference.  Experimenting with this will give you a real experience.

Start with something “manageable”, such as a disgruntled colleague or co-worker, friend or relative.  As an unlimited soul, send out your light and love to them, cover them with a protective shield of love and light.  Wish them peace and serenity. Use a simple thought such as this:  “This soul is Peaceful.”  Do this many times during the day, over an extended period of time and note how your relationship with them improves.

As you accumulate confidence and success in this process of  sending out powerful benevolent thoughts to others and experiencing positive changes that could not happen just through words, you may wish to expand your experimentation to your own body.  Try focusing your positive thoughts internally upon a health issue and watch your health improve.  Keep a record of your “soul experiments”. Eventually expand your focus to an area of the world that is out of balance and needs peace. Trust that you are having an impact.

As your awareness of your self respect grows, so will your humbleness.  You may even begin to recognize that you are not alone in your positive efforts, but that you are part of an awakening humanity who have unconditionally aligned themselves with the Source of Goodness.

As you come to know and accept that you are undeniably supported by the Benevolent Source,  you will  become aware of being a conduit or instrument for the Source, a helper in this One’s elevated task of restoring goodness, kindness, peace, and love to all souls and our planet… in order to create a new world.


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